The differentiation exam consists of writing a draft research design in the field described by candidates in their research interests upon application.
The research design should include the following chapters: Introduction to the research problem, formulation of the goal or problem, hypothesis/es to be tested, methodology (sample description, operationalization of variables, instruments the research intends to apply, methods and procedures for data collection), plan for data analysis, theoretical and/or practical implications of the results.
The task of the candidate is to create and describe a theoretically relevant and methodologically feasible research design.
The entrance exam is completed on a computer and is allotted a time limit of 120 minutes. Notes and/or printed material may be used. USB sticks are not permitted and Internet access is disabled. It is not necessary to include a reference list at the of the research plan.
The draft should be between 5400 and 9000 characters long (including spaces).