
Quick guide for enrolment

Differentiation exam

The differentiation exam will take place on the 18th of June, 2024 at 17:00 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, classroom A-104.

Enrolment announcement

In 2024, we will be enrolling a new generation of doctoral students. The enrolment announcement and all instructions related to conditions of enrolment and the application procedure can be found here.

Application criteria

  • psychology graduates/teachers of psychology who completed their studies according to the old “pre-Bologna” program and psychologists who have completed a graduate degree program in psychology (Master’s of Psychology)
  • consent from the advisor for the accepance of candidates,
  • proficient in spoken and written English

Necessary documentation

  • written application for consideration for enrolment in the study program,
  • certified copy of diploma
  • transcript of exam results from previous study (undergraduate and graduate) with the calculated average grade 
  • short professional CV (up to 1800 characters),
  • statement of motivation for doctoral studies (up to 1800 characters),
  • description of research interests: theoretical and methodological elaboration of the specific area that the candidate plans to undertake during doctoral study (up to 3600 characters). Based on this part of the application, the topic of the entrance examination will be determined in accordance with the research interests of the candidate,
  • scientific achievements to date (journal articles, abstracts),
  • written recommendations from two university professors of psychology,
  • consent from the advisor for the acceptance of candidates,
  • confirmation of payment of procedural expenses (80,00 EUR), IBAN: HR1823600001101311177, reference number 43-120-3030
  • Type of financing statement

Differentiation exam

The differentiation exam consists of writing a draft research design in the field described by candidates in their research interests upon application.

The research design should include the following chapters: Introduction to the research problem, formulation of the goal or problem, hypothesis/es to be tested, methodology (sample description, operationalization of variables, instruments the research intends to apply, methods and procedures for data collection), plan for data analysis, theoretical and/or practical implications of the results.

The task of the candidate is to create and describe a theoretically relevant and methodologically feasible research design.

The entrance exam is completed on a computer and is allotted a time limit of 120 minutes. Notes and/or printed material may be used. USB sticks are not permitted and Internet access is disabled. It is not necessary to include a reference list at the of the research plan.

The draft should be between 5400 and 9000 characters long (including spaces).

Motivational interview

Prior to enrolment in the Doctoral degree program, each candidate will attend an interview, which is a mandatory part of the selection process. The aim of the interview is to assess the motivation and professional interest of the candidate.


Enrolment in each semester is completed in the Office for Postgraduate Studies, room A-002/003.

The tuition fee is 1.300,00 EUR per semester.

Payment of the tuition fee can be at any post office, bank or FINA using a general payment slip as well as via Internet banking, IBAN: HR1823600001101311177, call number: 43-120-3030.

Students must bring the following to enrolment:

  • Two 4×6 cm photographs
  • Payment slip confirming payment of tuition
  • OIB data